What’s Exosome Therapy And How Can It Help Your Skin & Hair? – Glam

As you age, your skin's collagen production isn't the only thing that slows down. Your hair follicles do, too, with some growing out considerably thinner hair and others ending the hair growth cycle altogether. In addition, sebum production also reduces as you age, leading to duller, lustreless hair.The drop in hair growth and thickness eventually leads to permanent hair loss. But of course, there are other causative factors of hair loss, such as genetics, medications, and stress.

When fed into the follicles and scalp, exosomes reawaken the follicular cells, jumpstarting them and fostering hair growth. The therapy also helps prolong the anagen phase of the hair growth cycle and decrease or delay the catagen phase. Anagen is the growth phase, while catagen is the phase where hair growth stops. By prolonging the anagen phase, the follicles have more time to produce hair and combat hair loss. With their wound-healing and anti-inflammatory properties, exosomes can also help repair damaged tissues and follicles in the scalp. And everyone knows that healthy follicles equal healthy strands.

You can have more than one exosome session to reap the full benefits. However, waiting 3 to 6 months between sessions is preferred to evaluate if more sessions are necessary.Now that you know the benefits of exosome therapy for your skin and hair, we're sure you're wondering about the procedure. Well, here's what you need to know pre- and post-procedure.

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What's Exosome Therapy And How Can It Help Your Skin & Hair? - Glam

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