Lund Stem Cell Center | Medicinska fakulteten, Lunds universitet

Lund center for Stem Cell Biology and Cell Therapy is one of six Swedish strategic centers of excellence in life sciences, supported by the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research. Established in January 2003, the center focuses on stem cell and developmental biology of the central nervous and blood systems, and development of stem cell and cell replacement therapies in these organ systems as well as research in non-mammalian model systems.

Associate Professor Ewa Sitnicka from Lund Stem Cell Center, member of the StemTherapy program, received 3 million SEK, for her project in the field of stem cell-based research, Cancer therapy using NK cells.

Wednesday18thDecember at 13:00 in Segerfalk lecture hall, BMC A10, Wan Man Wong defends her thesis Integrin 2 and Akt in early hematopoiesis Main Supervisor: ProfessorMarja Ekblom Opponent:Professor Bo Porse, University of Copenhagen, Denmark Chairman: Associate Professor Ewa Sitnicka

Congratulations StemTherapy and Stem Cell Center researcher Joan Yuan, nominated by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation to participate in the career program Wallenberg Academy Fellows! The program aims to provide long term financing for promising young Swedish and international researchers in all disciplines.

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Lund Stem Cell Center | Medicinska fakulteten, Lunds universitet

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