RBCC: Could Stem Cells Hold the Key to Treating Traumatic Brain Injuries?


As part of Rainbow Coral Corp.s mission to deliver effective new cures for traumatic brain injury, the company is investigating promising research on the potential of stem cell therapy to improve the lives of millions suffering from the affliction.

Scientists within the U.S. medical community have begun to see positive results from the treatment of patients with traumatic brain injury (TBI) through the use of stem cells. Significant improvements are seen between three to six months after treatment in brain injury patients.

RBCC is working hard to capitalize on the growing demand for effective treatments for TBI, Parkinsons and other neurological health issues. RBCC is continuing discussions with the license holders for a NASA-developed bioreactor that assists in the expansion of adult stem cells. Such treatments could give RBCC access to markets in excess of $100 billion.

Rainbow BioSciences is dedicated to developing new medical and research technology innovations to compete alongside companies such as Amgen Inc. (NASDAQ:AMGN),Cell Therapeutics, Inc. (CTIC), Abbott Laboratories (NYSE:ABT) andAffymax, Inc.(NASDAQ:AFFY).

For more information on Rainbow BioSciences, please visit http://www.rainbowbiosciences.com/investors.

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About Rainbow BioSciences

Rainbow BioSciences is a division ofRainbow Coral Corp.(OTCBB:RBCC). The company continually seeks out new partnerships with biotechnology developers to deliver profitable new medical technologies and innovations. For more information on our growth-oriented business initiatives, please visit our website at [www.rainbowbiosciences.com]. For investment information and performance data on the company, please visitwww.RainbowBioSciences.com/investors.

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RBCC: Could Stem Cells Hold the Key to Treating Traumatic Brain Injuries?

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