Therapists say Ryan Custer moved two fingers on his right hand – WRGT TV Fox 45

WSU Basketball players sending well wishes to injured Ryan Custer (Photo courtesy Assistant Coach of WSU basketball Nick Goff)

CHICAGO (WKEF/WRGT) - A Wright State basketball player who fractured his C-5 vertebrae at an off-campus party in late April was able to move two of his fingers on his right hand, according to his therapist.

Ryan Custer's mother posted the update on his recovery Facebook page, saying therapists saw him move his ring and little fingers, but his parents have yet to see the movement themselves.

Custer will also be moved to Craig Hospital in Denver, the family's choice rehab facility, after his time at Shirley Ryan Ability Lab in Chicago. The family said Craig Hospital did not take patients on anti-rejection medication for stem cell, so it had to be temporarily ruled out while he underwent his experimental surgery and follow-up treatment.

They said therapy will be more individualized and Custer's workouts will come in a gym-like facility after the move, which works for him since he grew up playing on sports teams.

Custer also reportedly had another bout of C. diff, which was worse for him this time around, and has been having a lot of discomfort.

He's set to go to Rush on June 20 for follow-up before flying out to Denver the day after.

Custer was originally injured when he jumped into a makeshift pool and hit his head off someone's knee. His team has been out to Chicago to see him.

Therapists say Ryan Custer moved two fingers on his right hand - WRGT TV Fox 45

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