Category Archives: Embryonic Stem Cells

Identical twins; not-so-identical stem cells – Biotechin.Asia

A new twin study sheds light on what causes reprogrammed stem cells to have different epigenetic patterns Scientists turned to twins to compare the difference between iPSCs Credit: Pixabay

Salk scientists and collaborators have shed light on a longstanding question about what leads to variation in stem cells by comparing induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) derived from identical twins. Even iPSCs made from the cells of twins, they found, have important differences, suggesting that not all variation between iPSC lines is rooted in genetics, since the twins have identical genes.

Because they can differentiate into almost any cell type in the body, stem cells have the potential to be used to create healthy cells to treat a number of diseases. But stem cells come in two varieties: embryonic stem cells (ESCs), which are isolated from embryos, and iPSCs, which are created in the lab from adult cells that are reprogrammed using mixtures of signaling molecules and are a promising tool for understanding disease and developing new treatments.

But stem cells come in two varieties: embryonic stem cells (ESCs), which are isolated from embryos, and iPSCs, which are created in the lab from adult cells that are reprogrammed using mixtures of signaling molecules and are a promising tool for understanding disease and developing new treatments.

Although iPSCs resemble ESCs in most ways, scientists have found that iPSCs often have variations in their epigeneticsmethyl marks on the DNA that dictate when genes are expressed. These epigenetic markers arent the same between iPSCs and ESCs, or even between different lines of iPSCs. In the past, its been hard to determine what drives these differences.

When we reprogram cells, we see small differences when we compare them to stem cells that come from an embryo. We wanted to understand what types of differences are always there, what is causing them, and what they mean, says Juan Carlos Izpisua Belmonte, a professor in Salks Gene Expression Laboratory and cosenior author, with Kelly Frazer of the University of California, San Diego, on the new paper, which was published in Cell Stem Cell in April 2017.

A better understanding of these differences will help researchers refine stem cell-based treatments for disease.

Izpisua Belmonte and Frazer, along with cofirst authors of the paper Athanasia Panopoulos, formerly a postdoctoral fellow at Salk and now at the University of Notre Dame, and Erin Smith of UCSD, turned to twins to help sort it out.

Although identical twins have the same genes as each other, their epigenomesthe collection of methyl marks studded in their DNAare different by the time they reach adulthood due in part to environmental factors. Reprogramming the skin cells of adult identical twins to their embryonic state eliminated most of these differences, the researchers found when they studied cells from three sets of twins. However, there were still key epigenetic differences between twins in terms of how the iPSCs compared to ESCs.

When the team looked more in depth at the spots of the genome where this variation between methyl marks tended to show up in twins, they found that they often fell near binding sites for a regulatory protein called MYC.

In the past, researchers had found lots of sites with variations in methylation status, but it was hard to figure out which of those sites had variation due to genetics, says Panopoulos. Here, we could focus more specifically on the sites we know have nothing to do with genetics. That new focus, she says, is what allowed them to home in on the MYC binding sites.

The MYC proteinwhich is one of the molecules used to reprogram iPSCs from adult cellslikely plays a role in dictating which sites in the genome are randomly methylated during the reprogramming process, the researchers hypothesized.

The twins enabled us to ask questions we couldnt ask before, says Panopoulos. Youre able to see what happens when you reprogram cells with identical genomes but divergent epigenomes, and figure out what is happening because of genetics, and what is happening due to other mechanisms.

The findings help scientists better understand the processes involved in reprogramming cells and the differences between iPSCs and ESCs, which has implications on future studies aiming to understand the specific causes and consequences of these changes, and the way iPSCs are being used for research and therapeutics.

Source: Salk Institute

The original paper can be accessed here.

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Identical twins; not-so-identical stem cells - Biotechin.Asia

Human Embryonic Stem Cells (HESC) Market by 2022 -Growth … – MilTech

Human Embryonic Stem Cells (HESC) Market is expected to witness growth of international market with respect to advancements and innovations including development history, competitive analysis and regional development forecast.

The report starts with a basic Human Embryonic Stem Cells (HESC) market overview. In this introductory section, the research report incorporates analysis of definitions, classifications, applications and industry chain structure.

In depth analysis of Human Embryonic Stem Cells (HESC) Marketis a crucial thing for various stakeholders like investors, CEOs, traders, suppliers and others.

Human Embryonic Stem Cells (HESC) Market split by product type,with production, revenue, price, market share and growth rate of each type, can be divided into

Adult Sources

Fetal Sources

Human Embryonic Stem Cells (HESC) Market split by application,report focuses on consumption, market share and growth rate of Human Embryonic Stem Cells (HESC) in each application and can be divided into

Regenerative Medicine

Stem Cell Biology Research

Tissue Engineering

Toxicology Testing

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To begin with, the report elaborates the Human Embryonic Stem Cells (HESC) Market overview. Various definitions and classification of the industry, applications of the industry and chain structure are given. Present day status of the Human Embryonic Stem Cells (HESC) Market in key regions is stated and industry policies and news are analysed.

Following are the key players covered in this Human Embryonic Stem Cells (HESC) Market research report:

Astellas Pharma Inc/ Ocata Therapeutics

STEMCELL Technologies


Thermo Fisher Scientific





Kite Pharma




And Many Others

Get a PDF Sample of Human Embryonic Stem Cells (HESC) Market Research Report at:

After the basic information, the Human Embryonic Stem Cells (HESC) Market report sheds light on the production. Production plants, their capacities, global production and revenue are studied. Also, the Human Embryonic Stem Cells (HESC) Market growth in various regions and R&D status are also covered.

Following are Major Table of Content of Human Embryonic Stem Cells (HESC) Industry:

Human Embryonic Stem Cells (HESC) Market Competition by Manufacturers

Human Embryonic Stem Cells (HESC) Production, Revenue (Value) by Region (2017-2022)

Human Embryonic Stem Cells (HESC) Supply (Production), Consumption, Export, Import by Regions (2017-2022)

Human Embryonic Stem Cells (HESC) Production, Revenue (Value), Price Trend by Type

Human Embryonic Stem Cells (HESC) Market Analysis by Application

Human Embryonic Stem Cells (HESC) Manufacturers Profiles/Analysis

Human Embryonic Stem Cells (HESC) Manufacturing Cost Analysis

Industrial Chain, Sourcing Strategy and Downstream Buyers

Further in the Human Embryonic Stem Cells (HESC) Market Industry Analysis report, the Human Embryonic Stem Cells (HESC) Market is examined for price, cost and gross capacity. These three points are analysed for types, companies and regions. In continuation with this data sale price for various types, applications and region is also included. The Human Embryonic Stem Cells (HESC) Market for major regions is given.

Scope of the Human Embryonic Stem Cells (HESC) Industry on the basis of region:

The West


The Middle Atlantic

New England

The South

The Midwest

Additionally, type wise and application wise consumption figures are also given. With the help of supply and consumption data, gap between these two is also explained.

To provide information on competitive landscape, this report includes detailed profiles of Human Embryonic Stem Cells (HESC) Market key players. For each player, product details, capacity, price, cost, gross and revenue numbers are given. Their contact information is provided for better understanding.

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Human Embryonic Stem Cells (HESC) Market by 2022 -Growth ... - MilTech – embryonic stem cells

The formation of a human embryo starts with the fertilization of the oocyte by the sperm cell. This yields the zygote, the primordial cell that carries one copy each of the maternal and paternal genomes. However, this genetic ...

Scientists are getting closer to understanding how naked mole rats, the world's longest living rodent species, avoid cancer, which could lead to safer stem cell therapies for human diseases.

Researchers at Karolinska Institutet have identified cell surface markers specific for the very earliest stem cells in the human embryo. These cells are thought to possess great potential for replacing damaged tissue but ...

Scientists have determined the first 3D structures of intact mammalian genomes from individual cells, showing how the DNA from all the chromosomes intricately folds to fit together inside the cell nuclei.

University of Tsukuba-led researchers explored the function of the reprogramming factor KLF4 in production of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). KLF4 was shown to bind upstream of the Tcl1 target gene, which controls ...

Scientists at the University of Cambridge have managed to create a structure resembling a mouse embryo in culture, using two types of stem cells - the body's 'master cells' - and a 3D scaffold on which they can grow.

An International Reserach Team coordinated by Igb-Cnr has discovered a key role of vitamins and amino acids in pluripotent stem cells. The research is published in Stem Cell Reports, and may provide new insights in cancer ...

A new nanofiber-on-microfiber matrix could help produce more and better quality stem cells for disease treatment and regenerative therapies.

A new report from the Stowers Institute for Medical Research chronicles the embryonic origins of planaria, providing new insight into the animal's remarkable regenerative abilities.

Freiburg plant biologist Prof. Dr. Thomas Laux and his research group have published an article in the journal Developmental Cell presenting initial findings on how shoot stem cells in plants form during embryogenesis, the ...

Embryonic stem cells (ES cells) are stem cells derived from the inner cell mass of an early stage embryo known as a blastocyst. Human embryos reach the blastocyst stage 45 days post fertilization, at which time they consist of 50150 cells.

Embryonic Stem (ES) cells are pluripotent. This means they are able to differentiate into all derivatives of the three primary germ layers: ectoderm, endoderm, and mesoderm. These include each of the more than 220 cell types in the adult body. Pluripotency distinguishes ES cells from multipotent progenitor cells found in the adult; these only form a limited number of cell types. When given no stimuli for differentiation, (i.e. when grown in vitro), ES cells maintain pluripotency through multiple cell divisions. The presence of pluripotent adult stem cells remains a subject of scientific debate; however, research has demonstrated that pluripotent stem cells can be directly generated from adult fibroblast cultures.

Because of their plasticity and potentially unlimited capacity for self-renewal, ES cell therapies have been proposed for regenerative medicine and tissue replacement after injury or disease. However Diseases treated by these non-embryonic stem cells include a number of blood and immune-system related genetic diseases, cancers, and disorders; juvenile diabetes; Parkinson's; blindness and spinal cord injuries. Besides the ethical concerns of stem cell therapy (see stem cell controversy), there is a technical problem of graft-versus-host disease associated with allogeneic stem cell transplantation. However, these problems associated with histocompatibility may be solved using autologous donor adult stem cells or via therapeutic cloning.

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Research and Markets – Global Human Embryonic Stem Cells … – Markets Insider

DUBLIN, May 1, 2017 /PRNewswire/ --

Research and Markets has announced the addition of the "Human Embryonic Stem Cells (hESC) Market Analysis By Application (Regenerative Medicines, Stem Cell Biology Research, Tissue Engineering, Toxicology Testing), By Country (U.S., UK, Germany, Japan, China), And Segment Forecasts, 2014 - 2025" report to their offering.

The global human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) market is anticipated to reach USD 1.06 billion by 2025

Application of hESCs as a promising donor source for cellular transplantation therapies is anticipated to bolster progress through to 2025. hESCs technology tends to be useful for tissue engineering in humans due to high histocompatibility between host and graft.

Maintenance of developmental potential for contribution of derivatives of all three germ layers is an important feature of these cells. This ability remains consistent even after clonal derivation or prolonged undifferentiated proliferation, thus pronouncing its accelerated uptake.

In addition, these are capable in expressing high level of alkaline phosphatase, key transcription factors, and telomerase. These factors are found to be of great importance in the maintenance of the inner cellular mass pluripotency.

Furthermore, hESCs can be easily differentiated into defined neurons, neural lineages, oligodendrocytes, and astrocytes. Aforementioned characteristic makes it useful in studying the sequence of events that take place during early neurodevelopment.

However, use of stem cells derived from viable embryos is fraught with ethical issues, prompting scientists to explore other methods to generate ESCs. The other methods include derivation of embryonic germ cells, stem cells from dead embryos, and other techniques.

Further Key Findings from the Report Suggest:

Key Topics Covered:

1 Research Methodology

2 Executive Summary

3 Human Embryonic Stem Cells Market Variables, Trends & Scope 3.1 Market Segmentation & Scope 3.1.1 Market Driver Analysis Technological advancement involving stem cells therapy Rising demand for regenerative medicines R&D in toxicology testing Technological advanvcements for the production of embryonic stem cells through alternative methods Increasing prevalence of genetic disorders 3.1.2 Market Restraint Analysis Ethical concern related to stem cell research 3.2 Penetration & Growth Prospect Mapping for Application, 2015 3.3 Human embryonic stem cells -Swot Analysis, By Factor (Political & Legal, Economic And Technological) 3.4 Industry Analysis - Porter's

4 Human Embryonic Stem Cells Market: Application Estimates & Trend Analysis 4.1 Global Human Embryonic Stem Cells Market: Application Movement Analysis 4.2 Regenerative Medicine 4.3 Stem Cell Biology Research 4.4 Tissue Engineering 4.5 Toxicology Testing

5 Human Embryonic Stem Cells Market: Regional Estimates & Trend Analysis, by Application

6 Competitive Landscape 6.1 Strategy Framework 6.2 Market Participation Categorization 6.3 Company Profiles

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Research and Markets - Global Human Embryonic Stem Cells ... - Markets Insider

Human Embryonic Stem Cells (HESC) Market Analysis and Growth Forecast by Applications, Types and Competitors to … – DailyNewsKs

Human Embryonic Stem Cells (HESC) Market research report is a professional and in-depth study on the current state. The Human Embryonic Stem Cells (HESC) Industry analysis is provided for the international market including development history, competitive landscape analysis, and major regional development status.

Browse more detail information about Human Embryonic Stem Cells (HESC) Market at:

Next part of the Human Embryonic Stem Cells (HESC) Market sheds light on the production, production plants, their capacities, global production and revenue are studied. Also, the Human Embryonic Stem Cells (HESC) Market growth in various regions and R&D status are also covered.

Human Embryonic Stem Cells (HESC) Market report key players-Astellas Pharma Inc/ Ocata Therapeutics, STEMCELL Technologies, BIOTIME, INC, Thermo Fisher Scientific, CellGenix, ESI BIO, PromoCell, Lonza, Kite Pharma, Cynata, Sumanas, LifeCell, Geron And Many Others

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Further in the report, Human Embryonic Stem Cells (HESC) Market is examined for price, cost and gross revenue. These three points are analysed for types, companies and regions. In prolongation with this data sale price for various types, applications and region is also included.

Human Embryonic Stem Cells (HESC) Market split by Product Type-Adult Sources, Fetal Sources Human Embryonic Stem Cells (HESC) Market split by Application Regenerative Medicine, Stem Cell Biology Research, Tissue Engineering, Toxicology Testing Human Embryonic Stem Cells (HESC) Market Segment by Regions-North America, China, Europe, Southeast Asia, Japan, India

With the help of supply and consumption data, gap between these two is also explained. To provide information on competitive landscape, this report includes detailed profiles of Human Embryonic Stem Cells (HESC) Market key players.

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Other Major Topics Covered in Human Embryonic Stem Cells (HESC) market report are as follows:

Marketing Strategy Analysis, Distributors/Traders: Marketing Channel, Direct Marketing, Indirect Marketing, Marketing Channel Development Trend, Market Positioning, Pricing Strategy, Brand Strategy, Target Client, Distributors/Traders List. Market Effect Factors Analysis: Technology Progress/Risk; Substitutes Threat; Technology Progress in Related Industry; Consumer Needs/Customer; reference Change; Economic/Political Environmental Change. Global Human Embryonic Stem Cells (HESC) Market Forecast 2017-2021: Global Human Embryonic Stem Cells (HESC) Capacity, Production, Revenue Forecast 2017-2021; Global Human Embryonic Stem Cells (HESC) Production, Consumption Forecast by Regions 2017-2021; Global Human Embryonic Stem Cells (HESC) Production Forecast by Type 2017-2021; Global Human Embryonic Stem Cells (HESC) Consumption Forecast by Application 2017-2021; Human Embryonic Stem Cells (HESC) Price Forecast 2017-2021.

In this Human Embryonic Stem Cells (HESC) Market analysis, traders and distributors analysis is given along with contact details. For material and equipment suppliers also, contact details are given. New investment feasibility analysis is included in the report.

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Human Embryonic Stem Cells (HESC) Market Analysis and Growth Forecast by Applications, Types and Competitors to ... - DailyNewsKs

Stem cells were one of the biggest controversies of 2001. Where are they now? – Vox

Remember stem cells? They were one of the biggest scientific controversies during the early years of George W. Bushs presidency.

At the time, scientists had realized thatembryonic stem cells had the incredible capacity to transform into virtually any cell in the human body and so could potentially lead to new treatments or cures for a multitude of illnesses. On the other hand, extracting these stem cells required destroying human embryos, an action opposed by some pro-life individuals.


The stem-cell debate got really heated. But then ... it just sort of fizzled out from public view. So whatever happened to stem cells?

A couple of things helped lessen the controversy. By the late 2000s, researchers discovered other ways to createcells similar to embryonic stem cells without destroying human embryos, a promising advance that helped defuse the culture-war aspect. Then, in 2009, Obama somewhat loosened the Bush-era restrictions on federal funding for stem-cell research and thecompromise seemed to quiet both sides down a fair amount.

So, lately, scientists have been patiently continuing their stem-cell research in a less noisy atmosphere. And that work has actually led to a few advances like restoring some sight in 10 patients with vision diseases. But the stem-cell controversy is far from dead. Researchers still might need cells from embryos to create certain treatments. If it turns out that non-embryonic stem cells aren't good enough, that could re-ignite the culture wars. So here's a guide to the debate:

Shinya Yamanaka (right) receiving flowers from Sweden's ambassador to Japan in 2012, after it was announced that Yamanaka won a Nobel Prize in medicine. (Jiji Press/AFP/Getty Images)

Embryonic stem cells attracted scientific attention because they have the potential to grow into virtually any cell in the human body say, insulin-producing cells for people with diabetes, brain cells for people with Parkinsons, or even wholenew organs to replace faulty ones.

But for many people, there was one huge ethical problem: creating them required destroying an embryo. That's why, in 2001,George W. Bush decided to limit federal funding of research to a list of 60 pre-existing embryonic stem-cell lines (so as to discourage the destruction of any more embryos). Many scientists viewed the rules as too strict. Hence the controversy.

Obama SOMEWHAT relaxed Bushs restrictions on embryonic stem cells

But then in 2007, Japanese scientistShinya Yamanaka and his colleagues managed to coax cells from adult humans into embryo-like flexibility. In other words, they were able to create cells that seemed to resemble embryonic stem cells but that didn't require destroying an embryo. (These new cells were named induced pluripotent stem cells, IPSCs.) Other researchers began finding that adult stem cells have similar, but more limited, properties, too.

Meanwhile, the politics shifted. In 2009, Barack Obama came into office and signed anexecutive order that somewhat relaxed Bushs restrictions on embryonic stem cells. Under the new rules, the federal government would fund work on new stem-cell lines, but only if they had been made from leftover embryos from fertility clinics andwith non-federal money. That compromise seemed tohelp thecontroversy settledown.

A figure of visual ability after an embryonic-stem-cell-derived treatment (red line) in patients with macular degeneration over the course of 360 days. (Schwartz et al., The Lancet, October 15, 2014)

While the controversy has calmed down, stem-cell research is taking off and scientists are making advances with both embryonic and non-embryonic cells.

Much of the initial research on stem-cell therapies has focused on eye treatments. (That's because stem-cell therapies can be unpredictable and have sometimes lead to tumors in previous experiments. A tumor in an eye would be relatively easier to deal with and remove than tumors hidden deeper inside the body.)

In October 2014, researchers from the company Advanced Cell Technology (now called Ocata Therapeutics)showed that they had created new retina cells from embryonic stem cells for 18 patients who were going blind. Afterward, 10 of them had improved eyesight. Another group of researchers in Japan is trying to do the same thing with non-embryonic cells (those aforementioned IPSCs).


Other embryonic stem-cell research has focused on developing cells that can help treat spinal-cord injuries. A company called Geron startedsafety tests in such patients in 2010.

Although a few groups are continuing to work on embryonic stem cells, many are now focusing on non-embryonic stem cells like IPSCs because they're less contentious. "Everyone jumped very, very quickly on the IPS[C] bandwagon because it was eligible for federal funding, and then also any of the controversy [regarding embryos] was dropped," says Susan Solomon, CEO of the nonprofit New York Stem Cell Foundation.

But Solomon also thinks researchers have moved away from embryonic stem cells too quickly. "We felt that it was way too early to do that," she adds. Her organization still studies embryonic stem cells, among others in part because they may be able to do things that non-embryonic stem cells can't. It's just too early to tell.

It's important to note that despite all the overhype over the years, stem-cell science has been moving at the same slow pace as most scientific fields. There are still no FDA-approved treatments that use either embryonic stem cells or IPSCs. And that means that controversy over whether embryonic stem cells are needed for science and medicine is still unresolved.


That said, the fight over stem cells hasn't gone away forever. And there's likely to be more conflict in the future.

Even after the Obama administration relaxed the rules on funding stem-cell research, there are still plenty of hurdles. For example, federal funding is currently prohibited for research on embryonic stem-cell lines made through a technique calledSCNT or cloning, which requires creating embryos in the lab.

This technique could one day prove useful because it can turn a person's own cells into a customized embryonic stem-cell line and would therefore stop people's immune systems from rejecting stem-cell treatments.

In 2013 and 2014, two groups published the firstdemonstrations of this technique with human cells. But all such research in the US must be done with private funds.

On top of all of this, some states directly ban some or all stem-cell research within their borders no matter who's paying for it:

Note: Minnesota has a vague law on the books that's currently interpreted to mean that embryonic stem-cell research is ok. Missouri's law is a bit self-conflicting. For more details, check out The Hinxton Group's site, which includes quotations from the relevant regulations themselves.

"We went from more of a legislative vacuum to our current patchwork quilt, with legislation enacted in all of the jurisdictions where interest groups had enough clout to get the job done," Alan Regenberg, Director of Outreach and Research Support at the Johns Hopkins Berman Institute of Bioethics, told me in an email.

Several things could bring the stem-cell fight back. For example, a clinical trial could come out with some really impressive results on some sort of stem-cell treatment renewing the debate over whether regulations should be loosened. Conversely, a social conservative could run for president and bring up the ethical issues on the campaign trail. And no matter who lands in the White House in 2016, its reasonable to expect some major changes in federal policy and fast. Both George W. Bush and Barack Obama implemented their rules within the first year in office.

In 2013, Obama's stem-cell policy survived Supreme Court case Sherley v. Sebelius.

A piece on the first embryonic stem-cellmedical trials in people, by Sarah Boseley at the Guardian

Update: Clarified the current interpretation of Minnesota's stem cell laws and changed the map to match.

Stem cells were one of the biggest controversies of 2001. Where are they now? - Vox

Protein that kick-starts gene expression in developing embryos. – Science Daily

Protein that kick-starts gene expression in developing embryos.
Science Daily
Next, they looked at mouse embryonic stem cells, which contain the mouse version of the DUX4 gene (called simply DUX). When in culture, a small fraction of these cells exhibit a any given time the gene expression pattern of 2-cell stage embryos, before ...

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Protein that kick-starts gene expression in developing embryos. - Science Daily

Lab-grown ‘mini-brains’ mimic brain development – Spectrum

Download PDF Multicolored mind: Fluorescent markers pinpoint cells inside a 'mini-brain' grown from human stem cells.

M. Renner et al. / The EMBO Journal

A new method for examining lab-grown mini-brains reveals structures like those in the human brain1.

Mini-brains, also known as cerebral organoids, can provide clues to brain development. To build them, scientists coax clusters of stem cells into becoming neurons and other brain cells. They can even start with skin cells from a person with autism to see how the persons genes influence the mini-brains structure. But researchers debate how closely mini-brains resemble human brains.

In the new study, published 10 March in The EMBO Journal, researchers probed the cellular and regional structure of 104 mini-brains grown from human embryonic stem cells. They first froze the mini-brains and cut them into ultra-thin sections, which they mounted onto glass slides. They then labeled the sections with different combinations of colored fluorescent tags that are specific to certain cell types, and imaged the sections using an automated scanner.

The tags revealed a mixture of cells, including mature neurons and star-shaped support cells called astrocytes. The mini-brains are irregular blobs with small inner chambers, but the researchers found that they contain complex tissues.

A region within each mini-brain resembles the human forebrain, which governs complex cognitive tasks such as integrating sensory information. This region often develops as a folded, ribbon-like structure near the outside of the organoid. It contains layers of cells like those seen in the human cortex.

The researchers used a chemical cocktail to render some of the mini-brains transparent. This revealed bridges of tissue that connect different parts of the forebrain-like region.

The researchers also examined mini-brains at various time points from 33 to 160 days old, when their cells are fully mature. The cells matured into neurons and other brain cells at a speed and in a sequence similar to those in the developing human brain.

Some mini-brains formed patches of cells that secrete chemical cues that spur the development of certain cell types or delineate regions. These patches are similar to so-called organizing centers in the developing human brain.

The method revealed significant variability in the size and location of the forebrain. This may arise from when and where the organizing centers form, or whether they form, the researchers say.

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Lab-grown 'mini-brains' mimic brain development - Spectrum

‘Growing brains in a dish’ will help in fight against disorders – Irish Independent

Neural circuits from the most advanced part of the human brain have been recreated in tiny 3D balls of cells that could help scientists investigate psychiatric disorders.

The "brains in a dish", known as spheroids, were grown from stem cells and followed the same developmental process that takes place in the womb.

Two linked spheroids were made, each measuring about one-sixteenth of an inch across.

They modelled different areas of the forebrain including the cerebral cortex, the most highly evolved "thinking" part of the brain.

The research is the first to allow key events unfolding in the brain at late stages of foetal development to be viewed in real time.

As part of the proof-of-concept study, the scientists generated abnormal brain circuits typical of Timothy syndrome, a rare inherited condition leading to heart problems, autism and epilepsy. They were able to pinpoint the defective development path and correct it using two drugs.

Lead scientist Dr Sergiu Pasca, from Stanford University in the US, said: "We've never been able to recapitulate these human brain developmental events in a dish before.

"The process happens in the second half of pregnancy, so viewing it live is challenging. Our method lets us see the entire movie, not just snapshots.

"Our method of assembling and carefully characterising neuronal circuits in a dish is opening up new windows through which we can view the normal development of the foetal human brain.

"More importantly, it will help us see how this goes awry in individual patients."

The research, reported in the journal 'Nature', is expected to open a new window on a wide range of brain conditions including mental disorders such as schizophrenia.

To create the "brains" the scientists first reprogrammed ordinary skin cells, transforming them into induced pluripotent stem cells (IPS cells) with the properties of embryonic stem cells. Floating in a nutrient-rich broth, the stem cells were coaxed into becoming precursor neurons and finally mature brain circuits.

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'Growing brains in a dish' will help in fight against disorders - Irish Independent

California’s deadly ‘social legislation’ parallels its economic and political death spiral – Desert Dispatch

By Richard Reeb

The Golden States well-known descent from its years of prosperity and political clout, which stands in sharp contrast to the nations recently renewed growth and turn to the right, has another side. That is its Democrat leaders determination to facilitate the death of unwanted unborn babies, the elderly and terminally ill. Indeed, this session of the California State Legislature provides more evidence of this ominous trend.We Californians already legalize and finance abortion on demand and last year sanctioned so-called assisted suicide. Now attention is turning to new means and new victims of this misguided movement.In the State Senate, four bills have been introduced to this end, while one constitutional amendment has been proposed to stem the billions in funding for embryonic stem cell research.First, the bill (SB 743) of Sen. Richard Pan, D-Sacramento, would guarantee that Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers could still receive federal Medicaid funds via Medi-Cal family planning services. This is a perfect example of California Democrats defiance of the national conservative trend. Fortunately, it will probably go nowhere as President Donald Trump has recently rescinded his immediate predecessors executive order to force states to finance abortions.Exemplifying abortion advocates virtual sanctification of fetal homicide is SB 309, originally introduced by Sen. Pan, which would actually establish a specialty license plate celebrating reproductive freedom. Revenue generated would go to the California Reproductive Freedom Fund, whatever that is.One wonders: did the Third Reich authorize plates for Volkwagens to celebrate the killing of members of inferior races?Sen. Pans SB 481 would allow nursing homes to declare patients unfit to make their own decisions, and then implement medical procedures which may include assisted suicide. The state already permits persons believed to be facing deathin six monthsto end their lives, justified on the grounds of their own consent. This new development demonstrates just how hollow that premise was.While unlikely to make it out of committee, Senate Constitutional Amendment 7 would repeal the (embryonic) Stem Cell Research and Cures Act approved by the states voters in 2004. That misguided measure was sold on the failed promise that embryonic cells offered the greatest potential. But experience with adult stem cells and from placentas has been far more fruitful.Though not directly aimed at death, SB 18, also the work of Sen. Pan, originally sought to challenge parental authority in the name of childrens rights. Of course, parents natural concern for their childrens very lives cannot be surpassed. Yet this bill would have directly threatened parents ability to provide in-home education for their children or to send them to private schools.But Senate committee action has changed the focus of the bill to establish an 18-member Children and Youth joint committee (half from the Senate and half from the Assembly) to direct the legislature to maximize spending on that class of persons. It would undo current code on this subject by the year 2025. The original alarming objectives doubtless will be implemented in bits and pieces through the new committees efforts. Do only children who have been permitted to be born deserve this intense concern?Meanwhile, California's new Attorney General Xavier Becerra has slapped 15 felony charges 14 counts of illegally recording conversations without consent and one count of conspiracy against David Daleiden, the project lead at the Center for Medical Progress (CMP), and his associate Sandra Merritt.In the past 20 months, the Center for Medical Progress has released a series of undercover videos that feature high end Planned Parenthood officials and employees of tissue procurement companies associated with the nation's largest abortion provider. They admitted in recorded conversations various illegalities about how the companies skirted state and federal law to engage in the selling of highly-desired aborted baby tissue, organs and limbs."At the end of the day, the only thing that is different from the work that I did and the work that CMP did and the work that undercover journalists and investigative journalists are doing every single day here in California ... is who I went after," Daleiden said during a telephone interview with the Washington Times."The only difference is that I happened to go after and expose the political ally and financial backers of the establishment power structure in California and in the country. That is the only reason why I am being prosecuted with these bogus charges under California Penal Code 632 and why the local reporters with NBC Los Angeles and other places are not. That really says it all."One can only hope that Californias political leadership would be as zealous in saving lives as they are in ending them. But alas they are not. Such is the situation in our coming sanctuary state.

Richard Reeb taught political science, philosophy and journalism at Barstow College from 1970 to 2003. He is the author of "Taking Journalism Seriously: 'Objectivity' as a Partisan Cause" (University Press of America, 1999). He can be contacted at

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California's deadly 'social legislation' parallels its economic and political death spiral - Desert Dispatch