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Induced pluripotent stem cell | biology |

Alternative Title: iPS cell

Induced pluripotent stem cell (iPS cell), immature cell that is generated from an adult (mature) cell and that has regained the capacity to differentiate into any type of cell in the body. Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS cells) differ from embryonic stem cells (ES cells), which form the inner cell mass of an embryo but also are pluripotent, eventually giving rise to all the cell types that make up the body. Induced pluripotent cells were first described in 2006 by Japanese physician and researcher Shinya Yamanaka and colleagues. The first experiments were performed by using mouse cells. The following year, however, Yamanaka successfully derived iPS cells from human adult fibroblast cells. Until that time, human stem cells could be obtained only by isolating them from early human embryos. Hence, an important feature of iPS cells is that their generation does not require an embryo, the use of which is fraught with ethical issues.

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stem cell: Induced pluripotent stem cells

Due to the ethical and moral issues surrounding the use of embryonic stem cells, scientists have searched for ways to reprogram adult somatic cells. Studies of cell fusion, in which differentiated adult somatic cells grown in culture with embryonic stem cells

The generation of iPS cells from somatic cells (fully differentiated adult cells, excluding germ cells) was based on the idea that any cell in the body can be reprogrammed to a more primitive (stemlike) state. Among the first to discover that possibility was British developmental biologist John B. Gurdon, who in the late 1950s had shown in frogs that egg cells are able to reprogram differentiated cell nuclei. Gurdon used a technique known as somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT), in which the nucleus of a somatic cell is transferred into the cytoplasm of an enucleated egg (an egg that has had its nucleus removed). In 1996 British developmental biologist Ian Wilmut and colleagues used SCNT to create Dolly the sheep, the first clone of an adult mammal. The experiments with SCNT were crucial to the eventual production of iPS cells. Indeed, by the time of Dollys creation, it was widely accepted that factors in the egg cytoplasm were responsible for reprogramming differentiated cell nuclei. The factors controlling the process were unknown, however, until Yamanaka published his first report describing iPS cell generation. (Yamanaka and Gurdon shared the 2012 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine for their discoveries.)

Several proteins have been identified that are capable of inducing or enhancing pluripotency in nonpluripotent (i.e., adult) cells. Of key importance are the transcription factors Oct-4 (octamer 4) and Sox-2 (sex-determining region Y box 2), which maintain stem cells in a primitive state. Other proteins that may be used to enhance pluripotency include Klf-4 (Kruppel-like factor 4), Nanog, and Glis1 (Glis family zinc finger 1).

Pluripotency factors can be introduced into nonpluripotent cells in different ways, such as by plasmids or delivery as proteins or modified RNAs. Among the most effective and widely used methods, however, is delivery via a retroviral vector. Retroviral vectors can readily enter cells, making the genes they carry accessible to the cell; other retroviral activities are silenced. However, because retroviruses integrate into the nuclear genome, their use raises the risk of virus-induced tumour formation. Nonetheless, retroviral delivery remains highly effective, and technical advances to prevent the integration of retroviral material into the nuclear genome have allowed for the generation of iPS cells via ectopic expression (in the cytoplasm) of retrovirus-delivered transcription factors. Ectopic expression also has been achieved with the use of recombinant adeno-associated virus.

Since the initial development of iPS cells, researchers have been working to improve the techniques and to learn what drives pluripotent stem cells to differentiate in particular ways. They also have been investigating the use of iPS cells in the treatment of certain diseases. Of significance is the potential to create patient-specific iPS cells (using a patients own adult cells), which could allow for the generation of perfectly matched cells and tissues for transplantation therapies. Such therapies could help overcome the risk of immune rejection, which is a major challenge in regenerative medicine.

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Induced pluripotent stem cell | biology |

Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell India – StemCellCareIndia

Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) area unit adult cells that are genetically reprogrammed to AN embryonic stem celllike state by being forced to specific genes and factors necessary for maintaining the shaping properties of embryonic stem cells. though these cells meet the shaping criteria for pluripotent stem cells, its not well-known if iPSCs and embryonic stem cells take issue in clinically vital ways in which. Mouse iPSCs were 1st according in 2006, and human iPSCs were 1st according in late 2007. Mouse iPSCs demonstrate necessary characteristics of pluripotent stem cells, together with expressing somatic cell markers, forming tumors containing cells from all 3 germ layers, and having the ability to contribute to several completely different tissues once injected into mouse embryos at a really early stage in development. Human iPSCs additionally specific somatic cell markers and area unit capable of generating cells characteristic of all 3 germ layers.

Although further analysis is required, iPSCs area unit already helpful tools for drug development and modeling of diseases, and scientists hope to use them in transplantation medication. Viruses area unit presently wont to introduce the reprogramming factors into adult cells, and this method should be rigorously controlled and tested before the technique will cause helpful treatment for humans. In animal studies, the virus wont to introduce the somatic cell factors generally causes cancers. Researchers area unit presently work non-viral delivery ways. In any case, this breakthrough discovery has created a robust new thanks to de-differentiate cells whose organic process fates had been antecedently assumed to be determined. additionally, tissues derived from iPSCs are an almost identical match to the cell donor and so in all probability avoid rejection by the system. The iPSC strategy creates pluripotent stem cells that, in conjunction with studies of different varieties of pluripotent stem cells, can facilitate researchers learn the way to reprogram cells to repair broken tissues within the figure.

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Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell India - StemCellCareIndia

What are Adult Stem Cells? | Adult Stem Cell Treatment

The primary role of adult stem cells in humans is to maintain and repair the tissue in which they are found. While we call them adult stem cells, they are more accurately called somatic (from the Greek word soma = body) because they come virtually any body tissue, not only in adults but children and babies as well.

Stem cells are very flexible cells, sometimes considered immature, that have not developed to a final specialized cell type (like skin, liver, heart, etc.) Since they have not yet specialized, stem cells can respond to different signals and needs in the body by becoming any of the various cell types needed, e.g., after an injury to repair an organ. In that sense they are a bit like a maintenance crew that keeps repairing and replacing damaged or worn out cells in the body.

A stem cell is essentially a blank cell, capable of becoming another more differentiated cell type in the body, such as a skin cell, a muscle cell, or a nerve cell. Microscopic in size, stem cells are big news in medical and science circles because they can be used to replace or even heal damaged tissues and cells in the body. They can serve as a built-in repair system for the human body, replenishing other cells as long as a person is still alive.

Adult stem cells are a natural solution. They naturally exist in our bodies, and they provide a natural repair mechanism for many tissues of our bodies. They belong in the microenvironment of an adult body, while embryonic stem cells belong in the microenvironment of the early embryo, not in an adult body, where they tend to cause tumors and immune system reactions.

Most importantly,adult stem cells have already been successfully used in human therapies for many years.As of this moment,no therapies in humans have ever been successfully carried out using embryonic stem cells.New therapies using adult type stem cells, on the other hand, are being developed all the time.

Stem Cells are being used today to help people suffering from dozens of diseases and conditions. This list reveals the wide range of applications that adult stem cells are having right now:


Auto-Immune Diseases



Neural Degenerative Diseases and Injuries

Anemias and Other Blood Conditions

Wounds and Injuries

Other Metabolic Disorders

Liver Disease

The primary reason would be the ethics, since getting embryonic stem cells requires destruction of a young human embryo. The other, practical reasons are that people feel money spent on embryonic stem cell research could be better spent on other stem cell research.

The biggest misconception people have about stem cell research is that it is only embryonic that are useful. In fact, other stem cell types are proving to be much more useful. The best stem cells for patients are Adult Stem Cells; these are taken from the body (e.g., bone marrow, muscle, even fat tissue) or umbilical cord blood and can be used to treat dozens of diseases and conditions. Over 1 million people have already been treated with adult stem cells. (versus no proven success with embryonic stem cells.) most people dont know about adult stem cells and their practical success.

Another type of stem cell that is proving very useful is induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS cells.) These can be made from any cell, such as skin, and from any person. They act like embryonic stem cells, but are made from ordinary cells and so dont require embryo destruction, making them an ethical source for that type of cell. They have already been used to create lab models of different diseases.

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What are Adult Stem Cells? | Adult Stem Cell Treatment

Where Do Stem Cells Come From? –

Stem cells are specialized cells that have the potential to develop into not one but many different types of cell. They are unlike any other cell for three specific reasons:

Currently, blood stem cells are the only type regularly used for treatment. In cases of leukemia or lymphoma, this type of cell is used in a procedure we commonly refer to as a bone marrow transplant. For this purpose, only adult stems cells are used.

When it comes to stem cell research, the cells may come from any number of different sources, including adult donors, embryos, or genetically altered human cells.

The cells of the bone marrow produce all of your healthy blood cells, including red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. Hematopoietic stem cells are those found in bone marrow that serves as the "parent" for all of these different types of cells.

Hematopoietic stem cells are transplanted into a person with cancer to help replenish bone marrow. The procedure is often used when high dose chemotherapy effectively destroys the existing stem cells in a persons bone marrow.

To remedy this, donated stem cells are injected into a vein and eventually settle in the bone marrow where they start producing healthy, new blood cells.

Years ago, the only source for hematopoietic stem cells were those taken from bone marrow. It was soon after discovered that many of these cells were circulating freely in the bloodstream.

In time, scientists learned how to harvest these cells from circulating blood and to transplant them directly into a donor.

This type of transplant known as a peripheral blood stem cell transplant, or PBSCT has become the more common procedure, although both methods are still used. PBSCT is far less invasive and doesnt require the removal of marrow from the hip bone.

Adult stem cells, called somatic stem cells, are derived from a human donor. Hematopoietic stem cells are the most widely known example. Scientists have found somatic stem cells in more tissues than was once imagined, including the brain, skeletal muscle, skin, teeth, heart, gut, liver, ovarian cells, and testis.

Embryonic stem cells are controversial since they are derived from human embryos that have either been destroyed or harvested for science. Embryonic stem cells were first grown in a laboratory in 1998 for reproductive purposes. Today, they are used primarily for research into treatments or cures for cancers, blindness, juvenile diabetes, Parkinsons, spinal cord injuries, and genetic disorders of the immune system.

Embryonic stem cells are pluripotent, meaning they are able to grow into the three types of germ cell layers that make up the human body (ectoderm, mesoderm, endoderm).

In other words, they can develop into each of the more than 200 cell types if specified to do so.

Induced pluripotent stem cells, or iPSCs, are somatic stem cells that have been genetically reprogrammed to be more like embryonic stem cells. iPSCs usually start out as skin or blood cells which then undergo genetic programming.

iPSCs were first developed in 2006 and pose one major advantage over somatic and embryonic stem cells: they can be made in a patient-matched manner. What this means is that a lab can tailor-make a pluripotent stem cell line individualized from a persons own cells or tissues.

See the original post here:
Where Do Stem Cells Come From? -

Stem Cell Therapy | Life Health Medical Center | Salt Lake …

Amniotic Allograft Stem Cell Therapy (AASCT) is used to assist the body in repairing damaged tissue. AASTC is one of the most effective treatment methods available to repair joints, rebuild bone, restore ligaments, and improve other areas of the body. When a stem cell divides, the cells have the potential to remain a stem cell, or they can become a different type of cell, such as those used for specialized functions, which is how we use them for patients suffering from joint pain and other conditions.

Stem cells are found anywhere in the human body. Fat and other tissues have stem cells, but the greatest concentration of stem cells is within amniotic fluid. The stem cells used in AASCT are not embryonic stem cells.

AASCT cells are extracted from fluids, not from a fetus, which has been a common misconception about amniotic stem cells.

Stem cell treatments can be used on just about any condition within the body. Athletes often turn to stem cells after suffering a major ACL/MCL tear, and several research programs are using stem cells to treat rare blood disorders and cancer. We typically treat patients dealing with non-life-threating injuries related to common joint pain conditions including:

Stem cell treatments are one of the most versatile in the industry because the cells customize themselves to your bodys needs.

Correct treatment of AASCT will involve the insertion of the fast-growing stem cells into the damaged tissue. Once the cells are in place, the body will start to naturally heal itself. AASCT essentially concentrates the bodys natural ability to heal in one area, providing fast, anti-inflammatory treatment. Patients normally start to feel results within a few days. There are no side effects to stem cell treatments, and it is extremely safe to use.

Unlike other treatments, stem cells are a permanent cure. Cortisone and pain relievers are temporary solutions. Stem cells are the only treatment that helps to restore damaged tissue and bone back to its proper state.

If you want to avoid surgery, find permanent relief from pain, and restore mobility, contact Life Health Medical Center today to schedule an appointment, 801.997.8881.

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Stem Cell Therapy | Life Health Medical Center | Salt Lake ...

FDA Response – U.S. Stem Cell Clinic

RE: Warning letter received August 24th, 2017

Dear Mr. Randall Morris,

Please accept this letter as response to the warning letter received August 24th, 2017. In sum, as was previously demonstrated, the US Stem Cell Clinic (USCC) is not utilizing a biological drug product and therefore the regulations of part 210 and 211 (current good manufacturing practices) do not apply. The comments in the provided warning letter are specific to products that are produced in cGMP manufacturing facilities and classified as drugs according to the FDA. This is not something that a medical clinic would be required to follow. USCC is not manufacturing a drug. That being said, in an abundance of caution, US Stem Cell Clinic will immediately switch to 510(k) approved systems to process tissue in clinic such as bone marrow systems and/or fat systems.

Our facility has demonstrated sterile surgical techniques as required by the medical boards. It is inappropriate and harmful to state that our clinic is not sterile as we are completely compliant with the regulations for surgical procedures including using individually wrapped disposable sterile supplies, sterile field prep, and more. The strict regulations mentioned in the warning letter required to manufacture drugs are not applied to clinics or hospitals. As a clinic performing a medical procedure, we have strict and appropriate protocols in place to prevent contamination and breach of sterility. We are following the exact protocols that are utilized at surgical centers and hospitals. As you know, these protocols are very different than what is required for GMP manufacturing facilities. We have never had an incidence of contamination and the statements that were made in your warning letter and press release are misleading and causing irreparable harm.

We have previously described in detail why the FDA has wrongly defined these in clinic procedures as a drug and provided evidence. The evidence and summary is provided below. I would like to specifically call your attention to the fact that according to your current code of federal regulations, same surgical procedure is not subject to the rules for tissue banks which include minimal manipulation and homologous use. We strongly believe that it is a violation of the rights of American citizens to prevent them from seeking alternative care for their conditions as long as it does not violate regulations or the law. Our clinic is not violating the law as it is currently written. There is huge support from government officials and American citizens for stem cell treatmentsagain, while all laws are adhered to as we do. Please refer to just one petition out of many regarding stem cell treatments in clinic with almost 70,000 signatures:

We would also like to address the comment in your warning letter regarding our firm impairing the ability to conduct the inspection. This statement is blatantly false and should be removed from the record. We provided access to every room in the facility and allowed pictures on multiple occasions. We also provided copies of all requested documents including confidential patient information. We are an extremely small firm with only a handful of employees most of which are part time or 1099 contract. As a small firm with limited resources, it is necessary to schedule the access that was required by the investigators in order to prevent permanent damage to our business. We provided abundant time and availability to the inspectors and on several occasions, the inspectors canceled last minute and did not come. At one point, the inspectors came to the office when the office was closed. During this last inspection, we worked with the inspectors for over a month providing hundreds of copies and burned CDs. On several occasions, I requested paper, printer ink and office supplies but did not receive what was requested. This inspection caused undue financial harm to our small firmyet we made our staff and resources available to the investigators at all times. Stating that we prevented or limited access to our company is an apparent attempt to disparage our company and we deem it both unprofessional and an unfair statement.

Given that we are a medical clinic that does not manufacture drugs, the guidance document that you referenced does not apply to our facility. Instead, USCC is performing a medical procedure wherein tissue is removed from a patient and re-implanted during the same surgical procedure. 21 C.F.R. 1271(b) titled Human Cells, Tissues and Cellular Tissue-Based Products, expressly states, you are not required to comply with the requirements of this part if you are an establishment that removes HCT/Ps from an individual and implants such HCT/Ps into the same individual during the same surgical procedure.

The procedure performed at USSC is simply the practice of medicine. Medical practitioners have been performing similar type procedures in clinic for decades including fat, skin, tendon/ligament, vascular, hair and bone grafts, bone marrow transplantation, and blood/plasma transplantation. Please keep in mind that many of these medical procedures may involve non-homologous use of tissue (CABG with vein graft or ileum to replace bladder) or more than minimal manipulation (skin grafts, hair transplants, or bone grafts). But because these are completed by medical practitioners during the same surgical procedure, the practitioners per the exception clause are not required to comply with the requirements of this part (1271) which includes details on products under section 351 vs. 361 PHS Act.

Therefore, the regulatory sections of Part 1271 regarding homologous use or more than minimal manipulation are not applicable to the procedures performed by USSC. To be clear, the purpose of stem cells inside our bodies is to maintain and repair damaged tissue, therefore any application of stem cells to patients would in fact be defined as homologous.

Even if USSC were somehow subject to the regulatory sections of Part 1271, the protocols utilized by USSC would be exempt from the regulations because the procedures practiced at USSC do not involve more than minimal manipulation. Part 1271 Regulations create a regulatory exemption from the manufacturing and labeling requirements that normally apply to drugs and biological products for any HCT/P that is no more than minimally manipulated. See 21C.F.R. 1271.10(a). Minimal manipulation of cells means processing that does not alter the-relevant biologicalcharacteristics. Id. 1271.3(f)(2).

In the procedures performed at USCC, the actual stem cells are not modified or changed in any way but instead separated via centrifugation. Even the collagenase digestion only changes the integrity of the extracellular matrix and does not change the characteristics of the cells themselves. These scientific facts were confirmed by several leading stem cell scientists at the September 2016 FDA hearing.

Medical procedures are already scrutinized and regulated by the state medical boards, legislatures, and agencies. In addition, the doctor patient relationship is protected and physicians take a vow to protect the safety, health and welfare of patients. They are dedicated to serving the interest of the patient and market forces, societal pressures, and administrative demands must not compromise this promise. The FDA is responsible for protecting the public health by assuring the safety, efficacy and security of drugs. The FDA does not regulate the practice of medicine or the bodies/tissues of individuals.

This same procedure is currently performed at thousands of clinics throughout the US. Notably, throughout the stem cell field, these clinics and practitioners also maintain that the procedures performed are medical procedures, and that the regulations of part 210 and 211 (current good manufacturing practices) do not apply.

We are aware that many clinics have been visited by the FDA without any actions or warnings letters. At USCC, we are following standard clinical procedures for medical facilities to ensure safety of the patients. This is considered a medical procedure because the tissue is removed from the patient and re-implanted during the same surgical procedure to the same patient (autologous use). The protocols used at our clinic have been well established in publications as both efficacious and safe. Over ten thousand patients have been treated using similar protocols with a strong safety record. Specifically, over 7000 patients have been treated using the exact same laboratory kit that we utilize at USCC.

Bone marrow and blood products are currently being utilized in the clinic in a similar fashion. The only reason bone marrow products are being regulated differently is because they predate the 1976 medical device amendments allowing for a 510k process instead of IND/IDE. There is no scientific or medical reason that fat tissue removed from a patient would be regulated differently than bone marrow or blood, when they are being used for the same purpose. According to recent publications, cells from fat tissue are demonstrating superior clinical results than bone marrow cells. This is most likely due to the fact that the bone marrow contains very high amounts of white blood cells (WBCs) which can cause unnecessary inflammation whereas fat has low amounts of WBCs. Fat tissue, however, may contain up to 500 times more stem cells. The rate of complications from taking a bone marrow aspirate is significantly higher than taking an adipose sample. The cells that are obtained from an adipose sample are separated from the adipocytes and have not been manipulated or changed in any way prior to reintroducing into a patient. According to reports, these therapies do not have the same negative side effects as many of the available drugs on the market.

We are aware that the FDA received comments on the published draft guidelines regarding adipose tissue procedures in clinic. We are also aware that the FDA held a public hearing regarding these topics in September 2016 in which many scientists, physicians and patients expressed support for these therapies. We are able to provide the FDA with any necessary information to demonstrate that this is a medical procedure that is safely done on an outpatient basis. Published results of outcomes to date have been overwhelmingly positive.

If the federal government were to interfere with a persons ability to obtain and utilize their own cells in their body to heal themselves, this could be a gross violation of the constitution. According to the constitution, Americans have a fundamental right to privacy as well as protection from undue government intrusion. Specifically, in the case of Griswold v. Connecticut 381 U.S. 479, 484-486 (1965), the Supreme Court recognized that specific guarantees in the Bill of Rights create zones of privacy to protect certain intimate activities from means which sweep unnecessarily broadly and thereby invade the area of protected freedoms. Regarding bodily integrity, the court ruled that no right is held more sacred, or is more carefully guardedthan the right of every individual to the possession and control of his own person, free from all restraint or interference from others Both Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113 (1973) and Planned Parenthood v. Casey 506 U.S. 833 (1992), protected rights to privacy, autonomy, and personal choice. See also A.L.A. v. West Valley City, 26 F.3d 989, 990 (10th Cir.1994) (There is no dispute that confidential medical information is entitled to constitutional privacy protection.); According to A. Rahman Ford, JD, PhD, Undue infringement by the federal government upon so sacrosanct a right as the bodily integrity of private persons must be viewed as paternalistic, Victorian and an affront to the freedoms inherent in the Constitution itself.

Notwithstanding the aboveand again, in an abundance of cautionit is our sincerest interest to adhere to the FDAs interpretation of the laws and have several specific questions that we would like the FDA to kindly provide answers to:

Our clinic is simply providing medical treatments to consenting patients using cells from their own body during a medical procedure which does not invoke oversight by the federal government. We would like to specifically request a meeting with the FDA commissioner to better explain the procedures that have successfully helped thousands of people.

We look forward to your responses to our questions above. Feel free to contact me if additional information is required.

FDA Response - U.S. Stem Cell Clinic

Our Team | Gulf Coast Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine Center

In 2000, he settled on the Mississippi Gulf Coast where he operated extensively at several coastal hospitals, performing thoracic, cardiac and vascular (including endovascular and dialysis access) surgery. Over the years, he developed a special interest in renal dialysis access work and in venous and lymphatic disorders. In summer 2011, Dr. Barmada decided to dedicate more time to his expanding venous practice; in addition to developing an interest in aesthetics; then, interest in the use of stem cells for the investigational deployment in inoperable conditions he encountered quite frequently over decades, including vascular ischemic occlusions, severe COPD and heart conditions.

Dr. Barmadas prestigious awards and associations include membership of the Society of Thoracic Surgeons, Society for Vascular Ultrasound, the American Venous Forum and the American College of Phlebology, a fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine, London, England, a fellow of the British Boards in Cardiothoracic Surgery and previous membership of the editorial board of the Journal of Long-Term Effects of Medical Implants. Dr. Barmada possesses two active medical licenses in Mississippi and Louisiana, and he has two US patents.

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Our Team | Gulf Coast Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine Center

Cell potency – Wikipedia

Cell potency is a cell's ability to differentiate into other cell types[1][2][3] The more cell types a cell can differentiate into, the greater its potency. Potency is also described as the gene activation potential within a cell which like a continuum begins with totipotency to designate a cell with the most differentiation potential, pluripotency, multipotency, oligopotency and finally unipotency.

Totipotency (Lat. totipotentia, "ability for all [things]") is the ability of a single cell to divide and produce all of the differentiated cells in an organism. Spores and zygotes are examples of totipotent cells.[4] In the spectrum of cell potency, totipotency is a form of pluripotency that represents the cell with the greatest differentiation potential.

It is possible for a fully differentiated cell to return to a state of totipotency.[5] This conversion to totipotency is complex, not fully understood and the subject of recent research. Research in 2011 has shown that cells may differentiate not into a fully totipotent cell, but instead into a "complex cellular variation" of totipotency.[6] Stem cells resembling totipotent blastomeres from 2-cell stage embryos can arise spontaneously in mouse embryonic stem cell cultures[7][8] and also can be induced to arise more frequently in vitro through down-regulation of the chromatin assembly activity of CAF-1.[9]

The human development model is one which can be used to describe how totipotent cells arise.[10] Human development begins when a sperm fertilizes an egg and the resulting fertilized egg creates a single totipotent cell, a zygote.[11] In the first hours after fertilization, this zygote divides into identical totipotent cells, which can later develop into any of the three germ layers of a human (endoderm, mesoderm, or ectoderm), or into cells of the placenta (cytotrophoblast or syncytiotrophoblast). After reaching a 16-cell stage, the totipotent cells of the morula differentiate into cells that will eventually become either the blastocyst's Inner cell mass or the outer trophoblasts. Approximately four days after fertilization and after several cycles of cell division, these totipotent cells begin to specialize. The inner cell mass, the source of embryonic stem cells, becomes pluripotent.

Research on Caenorhabditis elegans suggests that multiple mechanisms including RNA regulation may play a role in maintaining totipotency at different stages of development in some species.[12] Work with zebrafish and mammals suggest a further interplay between miRNA and RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) in determining development differences.[13]

In cell biology, pluripotency (Lat. pluripotentia, "ability for many [things]")[14] refers to a stem cell that has the potential to differentiate into any of the three germ layers: endoderm (interior stomach lining, gastrointestinal tract, the lungs), mesoderm (muscle, bone, blood, urogenital), or ectoderm (epidermal tissues and nervous system).[15] However, cell pluripotency is a continuum, ranging from the completely pluripotent (or totipotent) cell that can form every cell of the embryo proper, e.g., embryonic stem cells and iPSCs (see below), to the incompletely or partially pluripotent cell that can form cells of all three germ layers but that may not exhibit all the characteristics of completely pluripotent cells.

Induced pluripotent stem cells, commonly abbreviated as iPS cells or iPSCs, are a type of pluripotent stem cell artificially derived from a non-pluripotent cell, typically an adult somatic cell, by inducing a "forced" expression of certain genes and transcription factors.[16] These transcription factors play a key role in determining the state of these cells and also highlights the fact that these somatic cells do preserve the same genetic information as early embryonic cells.[17] The ability to induce cells into a pluripotent state was initially pioneered in 2006 using mouse fibroblasts and four transcription factors, Oct4, Sox2, Klf4 and c-Myc;[18] this technique, called reprogramming, earned Shinya Yamanaka and John Gurdon the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2012.[19] This was then followed in 2007 by the successful induction of human iPSCs derived from human dermal fibroblasts using methods similar to those used for the induction of mouse cells.[20] These induced cells exhibit similar traits to those of embryonic stem cells (ESCs) but do not require the use of embryos. Some of the similarities between ESCs and iPSCs include pluripotency, morphology, self-renewal ability, a trait that implies that they can divide and replicate indefinitely, and gene expression.[21]

Epigenetic factors are also thought to be involved in the actual reprogramming of somatic cells in order to induce pluripotency. It has been theorized that certain epigenetic factors might actually work to clear the original somatic epigenetic marks in order to acquire the new epigenetic marks that are part of achieving a pluripotent state. Chromatin is also reorganized in iPSCs and becomes like that found in ESCs in that it is less condensed and therefore more accessible. Euchromatin modifications are also common which is also consistent with the state of euchromatin found in ESCs.[21]

Due to their great similarity to ESCs, iPSCs have been of great interest to the medical and research community. iPSCs could potentially have the same therapeutic implications and applications as ESCs but without the controversial use of embryos in the process, a topic of great bioethical debate. In fact, the induced pluripotency of somatic cells into undifferentiated iPS cells was originally hailed as the end of the controversial use of embryonic stem cells. However, iPSCs were found to be potentially tumorigenic, and, despite advances,[16] were never approved for clinical stage research in the United States. Setbacks such as low replication rates and early senescence have also been encountered when making iPSCs,[22] hindering their use as ESCs replacements.

Additionally, it has been determined that the somatic expression of combined transcription factors can directly induce other defined somatic cell fates (transdifferentiation); researchers identified three neural-lineage-specific transcription factors that could directly convert mouse fibroblasts (skin cells) into fully functional neurons.[23] This result challenges the terminal nature of cellular differentiation and the integrity of lineage commitment; and implies that with the proper tools, all cells are totipotent and may form all kinds of tissue.

Some of the possible medical and therapeutic uses for iPSCs derived from patients include their use in cell and tissue transplants without the risk of rejection that is commonly encountered. iPSCs can potentially replace animal models unsuitable as well as in vitro models used for disease research.[24]

Recent findings with respect to epiblasts before and after implantation have produced proposals for classifying pluripotency into two distinct phases: "naive" and "primed".[25] The baseline stem cells commonly used in science that are referred as Embryonic stem cells (ESCs) are derived from a pre-implantation epiblast; such epiblast is able to generate the entire fetus, and one epiblast cell is able to contribute to all cell lineages if injected into another blastocyst. On the other hand, several marked differences can be observed between the pre- and post-implantation epiblasts, such as their difference in morphology, in which the epiblast after implantation changes its morphology into a cup-like shape called the "egg cylinder" as well as chromosomal alteration in which one of the X-chromosomes undergoes random inactivation in the early stage of the egg cylinder, known as X-inactivation.[26] During this development, the egg cylinder epiblast cells are systematically targeted by Fibroblast growth factors, Wnt signaling, and other inductive factors via the surrounding yolk sac and the trophoblast tissue,[27] such that they become instructively specific according to the spatial organization.[28] Another major difference that was observed, with respect to cell potency, is that post-implantation epiblast stem cells are unable to contribute to blastocyst chimeras,[29] which distinguishes them from other known pluripotent stem cells. Cell lines derived from such post-implantation epiblasts are referred to as epiblast-derived stem cells which were first derived in laboratory in 2007; despite their nomenclature, that both ESCs and EpiSCs are derived from epiblasts, just at difference phases of development, and that pluripotency is still intact in the post-implantation epiblast, as demonstrated by the conserved expression of Nanog, Fut4, and Oct-4 in EpiSCs,[30] until somitogenesis and can be reversed midway through induced expression of Oct-4.[31]

Multipotency describes progenitor cells which have the gene activation potential to differentiate into discrete cell types. For example, a multipotent blood stem cell and this cell type can differentiate itself into several types of blood cell types like lymphocytes, monocytes, neutrophils, etc., but it is still ambiguous whether HSC possess the ability to differente into brain cells, bone cells or other non-blood cell types.[citation needed]

New research related to multipotent cells suggests that multipotent cells may be capable of conversion into unrelated cell types. In another case, human umbilical cord blood stem cells were converted into human neurons.[32] Research is also focusing on converting multipotent cells into pluripotent cells.[33]

Multipotent cells are found in many, but not all human cell types. Multipotent cells have been found in cord blood,[34] adipose tissue,[35] cardiac cells,[36] bone marrow, and mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) which are found in the third molar.[37]

MSCs may prove to be a valuable source for stem cells from molars at 810 years of age, before adult dental calcification. MSCs can differentiate into osteoblasts, chondrocytes, and adipocytes.[38]

In biology, oligopotency is the ability of progenitor cells to differentiate into a few cell types. It is a degree of potency. Examples of oligopotent stem cells are the lymphoid or myeloid stem cells.[2] A lymphoid cell specifically, can give rise to various blood cells such as B and T cells, however, not to a different blood cell type like a red blood cell.[39] Examples of progenitor cells are vascular stem cells that have the capacity to become both endothelial or smooth muscle cells.

In cell biology, a unipotent cell is the concept that one stem cell has the capacity to differentiate into only one cell type. It is currently unclear if true unipotent stem cells exist. Hepatoblasts, which differentiate into hepatocytes (which constitute most of the liver) or cholangiocytes (epithelial cells of the bile duct), are bipotent.[40] A close synonym for unipotent cell is precursor cell.

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Cell potency - Wikipedia

National Stem Cell Centers | Stem Cell Therapy in New York …

At National Stem Cell Centers, our affiliate physicians focus on leading edge, regenerative medicine. Instead of synthetic compounds, prescription medications, or surgical procedures, we activate your own natural cellular resources to promote healing.

Our goal is to allow patients access to this potentially revolutionary form of treatment to harness your bodys natural healing cascade mechanism for the repair of damaged tissues.

Adult mesenchymal stem cells are a form of undifferentiated cells. These kinds of stem cells are found in great abundance within fatty tissue. Lying dormant (non-replicating), these remarkably intelligent cells can be activated to become other kinds of cells specific to tendons, muscle, blood vessels, nerves and bone.

This means that stem cell therapies can be the key to reducing pain, chronic inflammation, and the mitigation of many degenerative disease states.

At National Stem Cell Centers, our affiliated physicians utilize only adult stem cells harvested from your own fat tissue, without any form of artificial cellular manipulation. This means that our treatments are both effective and efficacious.

Stem cell therapies may be helpful in addressing conditions and injuries such as pain, erectile dysfunction, hair loss, chronic inflammation, autoimmune disorders, orthopedic diseases, urological disorders, nerve conditions, heart and lung diseases, and more.

Call our New York office at(646) 448-0427(New York) or(516) 403-1457(Long Island) today to find out if you are a good candidate for stem cell therapy, and to schedule your complimentary consultation. National Stem Cell Centers also has locations in Southampton NY, New Jersey, Dallas and Houston in Texas, and Atlanta GA.

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Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Injection Therapy & Treatments

share Helping Patients Across the US, including Northern Virginia, Washington, DC, and Maryland

Platelet rich plasma, commonly referred to as PRP, is a non-operative, permanent solution for conditions such as arthritis and ligament/tendon sprains and tears. Utilizing the bodys natural healing process, PRP therapy is a concentration of platelets that are injected into the damaged ligaments, tendons, and joints to promote tissue repair and accelerate healing. Platelets are rich in growth and healing factors which means, on average, an injured individual can get back to a pain-free life in four to six weeks.

PRP was made popular by professional athletes and weekend warriors through its treatment of season-ending symptoms including swelling, stiffness, inflammation, tenderness, and pain.

Platelet rich plasma injections are most effective for the following conditions:

Additionally, PRP can be effective for many cases of osteoarthritis by stimulating healing of cartilage and reducing pain and disability. This includes:

PRP presents patients with a long lasting, permanent solution that will not wear off over time as with a traditional pain injection. For this reason, the use of PRP could help a patient avoid joint replacement surgery, and potentially back surgery. With any treatment option, the effectiveness of the treatment depends upon the severity of the injury.

Many traditional, non-operative treatment options concentrate on relieving pain, without fixing the underlying cause. Get to the root of your problem today -- schedule an initial consultation with a specialist at Virginia Spine Institute.

Creation of PRP is simple, painless, and conveniently done at an office visit. The entire process of drawing blood to solution preparation only takes approximately 25-30 minutes. A small amount of blood is drawn from the patient, just like a routine blood test. Once the blood is drawn it is then placed into a centrifuge. The centrifuge is a machine that spins the blood at high speeds in order to separate the blood into red blood cells and concentrated platelets. Once the blood is separated the red blood cells are discarded, and we are left with concentrated platelet rich plasma (PRP) which is ready to be used in the treatment process.

The injection process does not take more than an hour, which includes the creation of the PRP as explained above. The platelet-rich portion is collected and injected back into the injured tendon, ligament, muscle, joint, or disc that has been determined to be a source of pain and is not-healing appropriately. When structures around the spine are being injected, x-ray (i.e. fluoroscopy) guidance is used to assure safe and proper placement of PRP at the affected site. In the extremities, ultrasound-guidance is commonly used to inject PRP into the appropriate tendon, ligament or joint that is being targeted. Injections are performed under image guidance to assure precise placement of PRP. The number of injections varies based on each patients individualized condition but typically range anywhere from two to six injections done over time. Patients typically experience significant reduction in pain after the first or second injection.

Generally speaking PRP injections are not painful; however the discomfort level depends on the part of the body being treated.Injections into the joint are of minimal discomfort.There is sometimes a small amount of pain after the procedure; however this does not last more than a few days and can be minimized with over the counter Tylenol.It is critical to avoid anti-inflammatory medications such as Aleve, Motrin, Celebrex, Naprosyn, and Mobic. These drugs may impede the healing process.

The benefit to PRP therapy is that unlike other treatments it has a sustained outcome and is categorized as a permanent fix. The timeframe for experiencing results is dependent upon the area of injury and the extent of the injury. On average, most patients start to see signs of improvement in the form of reduced pain or increased function within four to six weeks. Continuing a well-designed course of physical therapy and avoidance of aggressive physical activity or overloading the injected tissues is advised in the weeks that follow the injections. This is done to allow the tissues to heal best.

Overall, PRP is an especially safe treatment option with no risk of allergic reaction because it is your own blood. However, anytime a needle is placed in the body, there is a risk of infection, bleeding, and nerve damage. These risks do not happen often, and are very rare. Other risks depend on the area being treated. If you are unsure of the risks of your specific condition, consult your physician. In general, PRP is not considered a first line treatment and is usually considered after other more traditional treatments have failed.

If you will benefit from Platelet Rich Plasma treatment? Give us a call at (703) 709-1114 or schedule your initial consultation online.

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